Audio Enhancement, Inc. began rolling out their Education Paging & Intercom Communications system (EPIC) System last year. EPIC System is being met within school districts with great praise and accolades for the visibility, expandability, and safety features it provides school administration, faculty, and staff.
The EPIC system includes AE’s SAFE System, VIEWpath, and audio components. The certification program C-it IT team attended was for the EPIC Programming and Commissioning course. The C-it IT team went to Alpharetta, GA for training.
After five days of classroom instruction and hands-on learning and configuring the EPIC System, four exams were given to the participants. The first was a troubleshooting test, which took real life scenarios encountered previously by EPIC users. This part asked to take the task of identifying, documenting, and resolving these scenarios. The next test was a written short answer which asked about what to do in this case, list the steps, or identifying procedures for configuration of the EPIC System. The third test was a multiple choice based upon the class room instruction items covered during the week. Lastly, the practical test was to start from scratch to configure and commission the EPIC System as if it was a new school. This test was the culmination of everything learned during the week with the goal to get all the components designed and working.
After all tests were completed, we are happy to announce our IT team received the EPIC Programming and Commissioning Certification. We are proud to say we are the first to receive this certification in the state of Kentucky and are part of a specialized group to receive in the USA. Great job, team!